I John 4:7 “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”

Love One Another

Have you ever met a stranger with whom you share a mutual friend? You probably felt like saying, “Any friend of his is a friend of mine!” That sounds warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it? After all, your mutual friend has exceptional taste in friends (you), right?

However, after talking to this stranger, you find out that he is weird and your assumptions about “any friend of his is a friend of mine” were not true! Has that scenario ever happened to you? How could your friend like you and also like this clod!

The truth is, God loves many people whom I do not love. Now, if God loves them and I do not, He must know something that I have forgotten! I am to love others because I am loved by God. I should love because I “be”–loved. People see God in this world when they see His love through your life (verse 12).

We love God when we love the people that He put here! You can’t love God and hate your brother (verse 20). No one is more an enemy of God than you were. When you put yourself into perspective by putting God into perspective, it will help you to see everyone else in the right perspective. There shouldn’t be one person God loves that you do not love!

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.”

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