John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.

Ministry is Giving

Do you have joy in serving Jesus today? The answer depends on where you find your joy. Most people find joy in one of two sources when it comes to ministry. They either find joy in the affirmation and response of other people or they find joy in Jesus Himself. If we find our joy primarily in the response of other people, then Jesus may literally be in competition to that. That was certainly the case in John’s life and ministry.

John the Baptist was a man who had a great following. Then, something began to happen. Jesus Christ began to eclipse John’s ministry. In John 3, John and Jesus were doing essentially the same thing in essentially the same area. This caused John’s disciples to be jealous for him. John had been telling everyone about Jesus and had worked himself out of a job. It is very clear that John found joy in Jesus and not merely in how others responded to him. That is so important because other people are fickle, weak, and changing, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

John knew three things that helped him to have joy in ministry. First, John knew what he had. In verse 27 John said, “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” John realized that everything he had was a gift from God and a stewardship before God.

Second, John knew what he was. In verse 28 John affirms that he was not the Christ but was sent before the Christ. Later he expresses that he was not the bridegroom, but the friend of the bridegroom. In other words, John knew he wasn’t the main attraction, the Messiah, but he was the one who prepared the way for Messiah.

Finally, John also knew what he must do. In verse 30 John says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John decreased until he was one of the greatest men who ever lived, and he is an example for us to follow.

In the end, ministry is something you give and not something you build.

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