Jeremiah 46:13 The word that the LORD spake to Jeremiah the prophet, how Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon should come and smite the land of Egypt.

Never a Bigger God

Egypt was a marvelous empire. The mighty Nile River flowed into it as did the goods of the world. The peoples of the world were governed by it. Egypt was impossible to ignore. It was easy to fear, and was a natural focus of those who sought for wealth and power that they themselves did not have. That’s why Israel was so tempted to put her trust in Egypt. But there’s always a bigger army.

In Jeremiah 46, God declares His judgment on the nations of the world, beginning with Egypt. As massive, wealthy, and powerful as Egypt was, it was conquered by the Babylonian Empire, and the balance of world power flipped. Now, Babylon was the most powerful force in the world. But one night, smug with their accomplishments and drunk with their wine, the Babylonians were conquered by the sneaky Medo-Persian Empire. They also were conquered, and in turn came the Greeks, Romans, and the Barbarians.

There is always a bigger army. It is entirely natural for us to look at our world and hope for the magic bullet that will change everything for us. The problem is that there’s always a bigger army—another problem. 

But here’s the good news! While there is always a bigger army, there is never a greater God. The God upon Whom the nation of Israel had turned her back, was still God. He still loved her. Twice in this chapter God describes Himself as the LORD of Hosts, the mighty General. He commands armies that are too numerous to number. That God has gone nowhere, though at times we ignore Him.

You have a choice today. You can be dazzled by the power of the world and overwhelmed by its problems, or you can depend upon the God Who does not change and Whose power is undiminished.

 Jeremiah closed this prophecy by reminding God’s people not to be dismayed. God promised that He was with them and would save them from their captivity. If you belong to God, remember that because He loves you, He will discipline you, but He will not destroy you. While there is always a bigger problem than the one you have, there is never a greater God than the one you serve. You can trust Him today.


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