Ezekiel 35:10 “Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the LORD was there:”

What is the most “disrespected” you have felt in the past five weeks? Generally, being disrespected happens with a whisper, not a yell. For example, have you ever been excluded from a group conversation? You try to inject your ideas, but you are quietly dismissed or ignored. You haven’t been yelled down; you have been whispered out. So it often is with us and God.

In Ezekiel 35, the nation of Edom dismissed God. “These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas [although] the LORD was there.” They just dismissed God entirely out of the equation! The Lord responds swiftly and heavily to this “disrespect.”

You may not boastfully sweep God out of the conversation like the Edomites, but you can just as surely dismiss Him by being worried and hurried. Either option is bad news, but I find myself too often falling in the second category. Even though you want to serve God and do right, you can dismiss God out of the equation because of problems, stress, expectations, and difficulties. Don’t count God out!

It’s easier said than done, but don’t worry. When you worry, you count God out. Any day is a secure day if you will look for God in it. When you look back at today, how much of God will you see in it? Our tendency is to dismiss God out of the day and to count Him out. Whatever you do, never count God out!

Prayer Requests:
1. Service tonight in North Salem, IN and this weekend in Woodbridge, VA and Nashville, TN
2. Bill Rice Ranch Father-Son Adventure this weekend

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