Luke 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Obey to Understand



Have you ever wondered who the first person was to doubt the virgin birth? I don’t know the first person to doubt the virgin birth, but the first person to question it was the virgin Mary. The Bible says that when God sent the angel to tell Mary of God’s plan, Mary asked, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” Now Mary was not asking for an argument, she was asking for an answer. She had an honest, logical question. God’s answer is found in verse 37. He says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

Mary understood that God was sending a sinless Son to save a sinful people. How did Mary understand what so many people miss? Here’s a very important truth that we can learn from Mary: when you have a heart to obey, you’ll have a mind to understand.

Knowledge is more than intellect and education. Mary was young. She was not a theologian or a doctor of the law. As a class, those people had rejected Christ, and they did not know nearly as much about God’s plan as Mary did. She didn’t know God’s plan because she was brilliant. She knew this because she was submissive.

 Faith is more than a feeling. How did Mary feel? The Bible says that she was troubled. We also know that she was fearful because the angel’s first words were “Fear not.” She was puzzled. She had an honest question. “How can this be?” But when she heard God’s answer, it was sufficient for her. Knowledge is more than intellect; faith is more than feeling, and obedience is the key to the fullness of God’s favor. Mary said, “Here I am, be it unto me.”

If you have questions today, please know that you can submit the questions of an honest, seeking heart to God Almighty. He is neither intimidated nor troubled by your questions. When you have a heart to obey, you’ll have a mind to understand.  

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