Exodus 28:29 “And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial before the LORD continually.”

On His Shoulders and In His Heart

Solidarity is a funny thing. We wear and do all kinds of things to show our team spirit, no matter what “team” we hold dear. I have a Denver Broncos shirt that I love wearing. I am a proud and true fan! Now before you berate my team, think about the old, worn-out sweatshirt or ball cap you love to wear every weekend in the fall! Others of you have a special locket or trinket with photos of your precious kids or grandkids inside. That small photo is worth an enormous amount! We all love to wear things close to our hearts that are in our hearts.

You can know something about what is in a person’s heart by what is over his heart. The priestly garments mentioned in Exodus 28 were a constant reminder of the people and the burden that the priest shouldered. He had the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on the ephod and the breastplate. He literally carried the children of Israel over his heart as he carried them in his heart.

I was reminded that we have a High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16) who bears us before the God of Heaven. That is comforting, isn’t it? Our High Priest is perfect (“yet without sin”) and He understands (“touched with the feeling of our infirmities”).

We have a High Priest that strengthens us. So many times, we have anxiety and bear the burden of things which do not belong on our shoulders. Jesus Christ is able and willing to bear us upon His shoulders!

We have a High Priest that loves us. When you feel like no one cares and no one “gets” you, remember that Jesus Christ does!

We have a High Priest that is always present with us. Unlike an earthly priest who dies, Jesus Christ is present in time and space. He is real time, right here and right now.

We have a High Priest who has made us “accepted in the beloved.” (Ephesians 1:6) Regardless of your position, background, or abilities, Jesus Christ is sufficient to present you before a holy God.

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, carries us on His shoulders and in His heart. Bring your burdens and cares to the One who can bear them. He is up to any task or burden that you have!

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