Romans 12:5 “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.”

When we trust Christ, the Bible tells us that God places us in the body “as it hath pleased him.” (I Corinthians 12:18) I don’t know where you are in the body of Christ, but I am thankful that we are not all doing the same thing! Notice the words many and one in Romans 12:4-5: “For as we have many members in one body . . . we, being many, are one body. . . .”

Your physical body is one body, but it is made up of different parts like eyes, ears, toes, and lungs. They each have a specific purpose, and they are all important. As for which is more important, I always say that I want to keep everything I came with!

The important truth to keep in mind is that God has placed you where it pleases Him. He placed you where He wanted you, and you can’t do better than that! You may not know exactly where He has placed you or what He has gifted you to do, but you can be faithful with what you do know right now. It is wonderful that God never asks more, or expects less, of you than faithfulness.

There is no room for pride or jealousy in the body of Christ; there is only room for gratitude to God for where He has placed you! He has placed you in a unique spot, in concert with others around you. Thank God for His care for you and for the fact that you are not in the body alone. As you serve the Lord, be thankful you can work with so many different “parts” and serve together as one body!

Prayer Requests:
1. Service tonight in Vandalia, OH
2. Bill Rice Ranch Ladies Retreat continues today and tomorrow
3. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Lafayette, IN; Howard, PA; and Glastonbury, CT

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