Jeremiah 48:29 “We have heard the pride of Moab, (he is exceeding proud) his loftiness, and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart.”

I have recently heard the term “one bomb nation” in reference to nuclear weapons. A “one bomb nation” is a country whose size makes it likely to be totally wiped out by one nuclear weapon. While current issues make this a sobering thought, a nation in the Bible was destroyed by one single weapon. On top of that, this one weapon was an inside job! They employed this weapon against themselves. No one did this to them; it was destruction of their own doing!

The nation of Moab destroyed themselves with the one weapon of pride. It is astonishing that one nation was conquered and later destroyed over the sin of pride. They had a plan against every type of weapon and enemy of their day, but their destruction was an inside job. A mighty nation brought to nothing because of pride, loftiness, arrogance, and haughtiness!

The same weapon that destroyed Moab will be deployed by Satan upon a nation, a church, a family, or a person. We are a “one bomb target.” Most of the sin and trouble you hear about can be traced back to pride. Pride has brought down nations, and it can bring down a good Christian like you! The truth is, pride gives life to sin but death to the sinner.

Can you imagine how different your life would be if you did not have to always be first? Most of the trouble I get myself into comes when I have to always be first, always be right, always be pleased, and always be recognized. Anytime I magnify myself and the things I have done, I am ultimately magnifying myself against the Lord (verse 26).

You are a target for the bomb of pride. It will destroy your life and set you at odds with God (James 4:6). May God help us to have nothing to do with the sin of pride today!

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight inSmyrna, TN; Flagstaff, AZ; Chandlersville, IL; and Gainesville, GA
2. Georgia Regional Conference on Marriage and the Home this weekend

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