I Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Our Cares for His Grace

There seems to be a very fine line between caring about something and worrying over it. The more we care, the more we might worry. If someone says, “I’m not worried,” what they may be really saying is, “I don’t care.” Well, there are things about which we should care. Maybe you care about someone who is far from God. Maybe you care about a financial need that is bigger than you. There’s not an over-abundance of people who care, but there is an over-abundance of people who worry.

That’s why I love I Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” That word “care” can mean a couple of things. It can mean either “I’m interested in something” or “I’m worried about something.” Now there are things I need to take interest in, but there’s a fine line between interest and worry. The more passion I put into things that are worthwhile and command my interest, the more likely that I can go off the side of the road into a ditch with worry.

The answer to this is not to care less. It’s to worry less. That’s what the word “care” means in I Peter 5:7. It’s talking about anxious care, anxiety, or worry. The Bible says that I don’t need to care anxiously about my life because God cares tenderly about me. He’s interested in me, so I don’t need to be worried about me.

My giving God my cares is sometimes an act of desperation. The Bible says, “Casting all your care.” God’s care of me is gentle, but sometimes the way I give my cares to Him is anything but gentle. It’s like casting them at Him. It’s more of a “God, help!” I throw my cares to Him, and that’s OK because He cares for me.

I Peter 5:5 says “…Be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” The God that resists the proud is the same God that gives grace to the humble. Don’t stop caring today, but live in humility by casting your cares to God, and know that He cares about you.

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