Bill Rice Ranch
Since 1953
The Bill Rice Ranch is a revival ministry centered on the preaching of God’s Word.
Begun in 1953 to reach the Deaf, the ministry has grown now to reach thousands of hearing and Deaf people each year from around the world.
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Recent Articles
Accounting for God in Your Future
Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry Most of the time you can only see humor, irony, or profundity if you are paying attention. So many times, we see someone who may be deadpan or understated and totally miss what is...
Would you consider serving as part of our summer staff this summer?
Can Christians get depressed? What is depression? Why do we battle depression? Does God have anything to say about depression? Depression is like an elephant in the room. We all feel its presence, but we do not know how to confront it. Perhaps now more than ever before, it is imperative for the Church to address it. While depression is a complex issue, the good new is that the Bible is relevant to every human experience – including the battle with depression. Whether you have walked through depression or know someone who is walking through it, God sees and has spoken to this issue. The prayer is that Lifted will help Christians have this important conversation.
Walking in the Light –
2024 Summer Choir Book
This brand new choir book is a compilation of all the new choir music used in our 2024 camping season.
Songs Include:
Walking in the Light (SATB Chorus)
Give Him Praise (SATB)
Offering (SATB)
Heavenly Blessings (SATB)
Enter In (SAB)
God of All Comfort (SAB)
Is Your All on the Altar? (two-part)