Deuteronomy 26:5a  “And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God. . . .”

One thing that ancient civilizations have in common with us is the tools that we are notusing.  They were just beginning to use the tools of pen and paper and books; we are leaving that era!  Whatever our tools now, it is important that we record and remember what God has done. If we don’t, we will make the same mistakes that have already been made.


Deuteronomy 26 shows the oral tradition the children of Israel had since they did not have books.  They did not have the book of Deuteronomy-they were livingDeuteronomy!  Without pen and paper, they relied heavily on spoken (oral) tradition. Similarly, we are moving from a literate society to a digital society.  You may have actually read more the past three years than you ever have, but your reading is by scanning and your writing is by typing.  Now, instead of reading a book, you can just download the same book in audio format to your iPod!


Though this is true, it is just as important today as it was in Old Testament times to remember what God has done.  One way you can do that is to orally remember and remind others of what God has done. I don’t know if the people in Deuteronomy 26 recited verses 5-10 word for word every time, but on a regular basis they recounted what God had done!  It is very important to God that what we know is passed on to our children (see Deuteronomy 6:7-9).


One distinct advantage we have over the people that we read about in Deuteronomy is that we have the written Word of God.  We have God’s words which are eternally settled in Heaven and are given to us.  The Bible is the Authority for living today. However, my own experiences of God’s work in my life are not written down.  What God did for me last week, last month, or earlier this year on an evangelistic outreach in New York City needs to be passed on to my kids!  I suspect that if you will take time today to consider what God has done, you will find plenty to pass on to your kids.  Give it a shot today when you are all together.  You’ll probably find plenty to actuallytalk about!


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