Psalm 37:28 “For the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.”

I love Psalm 37:28! We learn that before the judgment bar of God, we are separated to Him. In other words, I am righteous in God’s sight because of what Christ has done. The Bible says that He “forsaketh not his saints.” I love that part because I am one of them (and you are, too, if you have trusted Christ).

This psalm is a contrast between evil and good, and we find our need of patience to trust God even when everything seems to be going the wrong way. First of all, how much patience must God have to preserve us forever? Do you know how long forever is?! Even at face value, preserving forever is something that only God could do! At camp in the summer, we have summer staff counselors who watch over campers for the six days of camp. I’ve been a summer staff counselor, but I wouldn’t want to be responsible for them forever! In contrast, the Bible says that God preserves His saints forever. I am not preserved because I am good; I am preserved because God is gracious. I can rest assured that I am kept right now, tomorrow, and forever!

Humanly speaking, it is tempting to think that God would keep me on my best days. We are not just talking about “good” days; we are talking about bad days, worst days, every day-we are talking forever. And what is more, the Bible says even our best days-our own “righteousnesses”-are “as filthy rags” to a holy God (Isaiah 64:6). What amazing, infinite, supernatural patience God has to preserve!

What this all comes down to is this: if God is that patient with you, don’t you think you should wait on Him? In spite of the world’s wickedness, Psalm 37 encourages us to “Trust in the LORD . . . Delight thyself also in the LORD . . . Commit thy way unto the LORD . . . Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him. . . .” (verses 3-7) What is wrong may seem to be prospering and growing out of control, but I can patiently trust God, knowing that He is preserving me. God will protect me now and in eternity. If that is true (and it is), then I can wait on God!

Oftentimes it is easy to trust when you can see how things will pan out, but to patiently wait on God involves trusting Him even when you cannot see. God is patient with us in a supernatural way. The least we can do is patiently depend on Him today.

Prayer Requests:
– Revival services tonight in White House, TN

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