Psalm 18:24  “Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.”

Our God is a rewarder, and you can count on Him to recompense (pay back) both you and those around you.  What about a person who seems to be getting away with doing something wicked?  God will repay.  What if someone is doing right but not receiving the credit for it?  God will repay.  He is always rewarding!

What kind of reward are you receiving from God right now?  Is He merciful, or is He opposed to what you are doing?  You will be repaid; whether that is a good or bad thing depends on what you are doing!  A “payback” is a response to something that has already been paid out.  The Bible promises in verse 26, “With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.”

Rest in the truth that whether God is rewarding or leading, He will always be right.  Verse 30 reminds us, “As for God, his way is perfect. . . .” His way is always perfect, even though it does not always appear to be. We can be so focused on what is directly in front of us that we forget that God can see the way clearly.  You can have confidence in God’s way because it has been tested (“tried”). Your way in life can be perfect too if you will follow God’s way.

This morning, know that God is everything you need and everything you are not.  He is a rewarder, and His way is always perfect.  Whether or not today is a “good” day by your own standards does not change the fact that you have a good God who will always do right and whose ways are always right. That makes every day a good day for a child of God who is following God’s way!

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