Zechariah 14:9  “And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.”

Perfect Perspective

Have you ever been to New York City or some other huge city? I think there is something for everyone to have a phobia of there! If you are scared of crowds, tight spaces, heights, or germs, you can have a hard time just getting out of bed! It is amazing, in a city like New York, the difference in perspective from the subway, from street level, and from an observation deck in a tall skyscraper. You can be in the same physical city, but your perspective makes all the difference.

The difference between the ancient past and the distant future is non-existent with God. God lives in the eternal present. He is always present in time and space, and His “sight” is 20/20. He sees the past and the future in perfect clarity. If we are not careful, we can live on the latest breaking news and become so wrapped up in today that we lose perspective of the eternal.

The truth is, there is coming a day when the Lord will establish His kingdom. He reigned in Zechariah’s day; He reigns in our day; and He shall reign forever and ever. In light of the fact that one day, “the LORD shall be king over all the earth,” we ought to live in today and look to tomorrow. Don’t live only in today, and don’t squander today because you are only looking at tomorrow.

Don’t miss out on living for and serving the Lord today because your eyes are looking too far forward. Today is the only day you have! You can’t change yesterday, and you are not guaranteed tomorrow. What you can do is what you ought to do right now. On the flip side, don’t sacrifice the important for the immediate.

Perspective does matter, and no one has a better perspective than God Almighty. The problems of life that are way over your head are way under His feet. God reigns, and one day He will be King over all the earth. If you will live in today and look to tomorrow, you can have the right perspective on what is and what is to come.

“The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15)

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