Acts 19:26 “Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands:”

We live in a pluralistic society. That means it is popular to think that there are plural (many) ways to truth instead of a singular way to truth. Isn’t it fascinating that a plurality of ways never seems to include the way? Even in Paul’s day, there was a plethora of gods that did not include the one true God. Just like in our day, when Paul introduced the true God, there was opposition.

The truth is, our life’s ministry should threaten the idols that choke God out of life. We should be compassionate, loving, and patient, but our ministry should threaten the idols that choke God out of life. Often the ugliness of sin is blunted and the truth is watered down because we are continually bombarded with sin every day. If a man is a drunk, we say he has a sickness. If a man lives a perverted life, we say he is living an alternate lifestyle.

Paul’s ministry was a threat to the idols that were choking God out of his society. Lest you think I am “preaching to the choir,” take the words of a pagan who benefited from the idols. Demetrius was a blacksmith who made “no small gain” by making silver shrines of the god Diana. He called a meeting of other idol makers and said, “This Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands.”

It is nice to get affirmation from fellow believers, but if you preach simply to “enthuse the troops,” you are not preaching to the people who need help. Who needs to be convinced? The people who are serving idols! Sometimes we are put off by teens and adults who are into real sin. Guess what? They are the ones who need help!

Paul preached to people who disagreed with him and hated what he said. He disputed with the intent to persuade people by the Spirit’s power. Not everyone was persuaded, but many were (“persuaded and turned away much people”). Does the type of power and ministry that Paul had in Acts 19 describe your life today? Our life’s ministry ought to threaten the very idols that choke God out of life. Paul made a major impact on the world in which he lived by persuading people who did not serve the true God. How about you? Are you persuading people who need the truth?

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Santa Maria, CA and Clio, MI
2. Recruiting of college summer staff today and tomorrow
3. West Branch on the Move Deaf Rally this weekend in Phoenix, AZ (10.2)

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