Deuteronomy 5:1 “And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Is-rael, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.”

Put Wheels on It!

Recently, I was in the high country of Northern Arizona with my family, not far from our West Branch camp in Williams, Arizona. We got a colossal spring snow on Friday and Saturday! This was not the dry powder snow that makes for great skiing; this was a wet snow that was great for making snow men!

West Branch was covered. The Mogollon Rim was blanketed as far as I could see. The tall Ponderosa pine trees were painted with white snow on every branch and needle. While it was beautiful, the snow wreaked havoc on our plans to ski at the Arizona Snowbowl. Lift tickets had been purchased, schedules had been cleared, and we were antsy!

When we got to the base of the mountain, we were met with a sign that said, “You may not take this road unless you have 4-wheel drive or snow chains.” I can’t tell you how disappointed I was! I thought I had everything ready in preparation for our adventure, but we just didn’t have the tires to get us to where we wanted to go.

As we turned back and drove through the snowy streets of Flagstaff, Arizona, I told my wife that I could not imagine what our drive would have been like in a Model T Ford a hundred years ago! Those first automobiles were a glorified buggy with skinny tires! It is one thing to have an engine, but it is another thing to connect that engine to tires that will get you where you need to go!

In Deuteronomy chapter 5, Moses encouraged people to put “tires” on what they knew. In other words, he reminded them about the importance of taking action after taking knowledge. They were to hear, learn, keep, and do. Each one of those steps is important, but “doing” is what gains traction in the Christian life!

You have a responsibility to act on what you know. God blesses those who put wheels on what they know. He is not impressed by what you know; He is pleased when you obey. And obedience is spelled A-C-T-I-O-N.

What should you do today? Whatever it is, put wheels on it, and trust God to be the Engine that drives you!

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