Ezra 7:6b “And the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the LORD his God upon him.”

I like the remote control, don’t you? Actually, I like the “control” part better than the “remote.” I like to be able to, at a moment’s notice, push one button and change things at will. But what happens when someone else (usually another Rice) takes the control? Or the couch swallows the remote so that it cannot be found? When the remote control is out of my control, I feel a little bit nervous!


So it is in life sometimes. We like to have control over our circumstances and our day. We like to “know the score.” But what happens when circumstances are out of your hands? When things are out of your hands, you are in God’s hands. In the Bible, Ezra is a wonderful example of this truth. He didn’t sit on his hands; he didn’t wring his hands; he put himself in the care of God’s hands! Ezra 7:6 says of Ezra, “And the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the LORD his God upon him.”Ezra had everything he needed because he was in God’s hands.


You may not have money, but God does-and you are in His hands. You may not have wisdom, but God does-and you are in His hands. You may not have protection, but God does-and you are in His hands. Your single need is not money, wisdom, or protection; your one need is God.


Recently, some junior boys and girls were scared out of their boots when a summer thunderstorm blew across the Ranch. These boys and girls wanted safety, security, and protection. But not one of them yelled, “Safety!” What do you think they cried for? That’s right! “Mommy!” Kids instinctively know that everything they need is provided in a person. When you find things out of control, remember that what you need is completely provided in a Person-God Himself. When circumstances are out of your hands, you are fine because you are in God’s hands. That’s the kind of control I want today!




Prayer Requests:

1. Services tonight in Sterling, AK and Clinton, TN

2. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Kodiak, AK and Chandlersville, IL

3. BRR Junior High Retreat next week (9.19-9.21)


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