I Thessalonians 5:14 “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.”

There is a wide variety of people in the world today. That is, we are all “bent” in unique ways. Some are naturally prone to give comfort; others naturally want to whack people over the head! God has gifted each of us in particular ways and has given us different strengths. It is important to remember that your service depends on the needs of those you serve, not on your own abilities. In other words, your “job” is more about your responsibility than your ability.

What happens when the need exceeds your abilities? If you are relying solely on your abilities, you are up a creek without a paddle! However, if your responsibility is God-given, and your gifts are too, then you have everything you need! God’s power is supernatural, and it can rise above the greatest need you will face.

How can you warn, comfort, and support, and have the wisdom to know what is needed? Only God can give you that! Some people you serve need to be warned because they are unruly; some need comfort because they are feebleminded; and some need support because they are weak. On top of that, God says we ought to have patience toward all men. That’s a tall order! You may not have one of those gifts, or the patience you need for every person today; but if God has given you the responsibility, rely on His ability!

A variety of people represents a variety of needs that require a variety of actions. You should not live your life saying, “Well, that’s not my gift!” It is not about your ability! Ask God to give you what you need. We all have certain strengths and weaknesses, but we all need the supernatural power of God to serve those around us, regardless of their need. Instead of focusing on your ability today, focus on the responsibility God has given you in your church, home, and workplace, and ask Him for what you need!

Prayer Requests:
– BRR Conference on Marriage & the Home this weekend (12.2-4)

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