I Corinthians 12:4-6 “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.”

I find it interesting that God says in verse 1 of this chapter, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” Ignorance is not a good thing; it is not a virtue to not know! In verses 4-6, you see emphasis on different and same: diversities-same Spirit; differences-same Lord; diversities-same God. It is obvious that spiritual gifts are different, but you can’t escape the word “same”!

Differences (in spiritual gifts) can either be complementary or contentious. The truth is, God designed the differences; so don’t live your life trying to be like someone else, and don’t live your life without the power that comes with unity.

Often people can be misinformed about this deal of difference and unity. The way for a husband to be a good husband is not to be a good wife; he needs to be a good husband! The same is true for an evangelist-the way to be a help to a good pastor is to be a good evangelist. God made husbands and wives differently (evangelists and pastors too) in order for them to be complementary. Same and different shouldn’t be mutually exclusive.

Here are a few observations regarding spiritual gifts:

1. Gifted people are gifted where they are gifted. That is, everyone is gifted in an area (or areas). And “where they are gifted” is determined by God-the Father and Creator knows best.

2. When people are in the right spot, they can shine. The fable of the “ugly duckling” comes to mind here. Being in the right spot can make a world of difference when it comes to spiritual gifts! Spiritual gifts are all about serving the right Master in the right spot.

Something is not right if my serving is not profitable (verse 7). God is the One who designed the diversity that exists in spiritual gifts. Do give all you have to God, and be on the same page. There really can be same and different in God’s family!

Prayer Requests:
1. A word from Bro. Rice regarding a special project need this month
2. Revival service tonight and this weekend in Star, OK
3. Deaf Rally this weekend in Landrum, SC
4. Services this weekend in Long Beach, CA

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