Zechariah 8:6 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If it be marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be marvelous in mine eyes? saith the LORD of hosts.”

See Like God Sees

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could see what God sees? What if you could see what people were thinking? What if you could see why things have happened, what will happen, and what causes things to happen? What if you could see the way God sees and everything God sees? How would that change your perspective and attitude this morning?

God can see from the very smallest microorganisms to things that are too large to see. When Israel returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, God painted a picture unlike anything they had seen. People would live long enough to need a cane to get around! Children could safely play in the streets! Can you imagine hearing God’s words when you had lived your entire life in captivity?

How would you live if you could see what God sees? God is never depressed about circumstances and is never impressed by your ability. He is timeless. The lesson for us today is that our expectations broaden when they expand to include God’s perspective and power. Don’t lose sight of what God may be doing in and through you.

What if you could see what God sees? How would that change your expectations for the people you will see today, the events you will face today, and the future you will begin today? It is wonderful to know that the limitless and all-powerful God of the Universe is interested in you, and He has the perfect perspective!

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