“Christ First.”

That is our theme for camp this summer, taken from Colossians 1:18b, “That in all things he might have the preeminence.” We will again be privileged to work with churches literally from coast to coast, as well as groups from the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea who have coasts of their own! Also on our schedule is our Day Camp outreach to local boys and girls in Middle Tennessee. It is our prayer that “Christ First” will be true in each junior boy and girl, each teenager, and each deaf young person who comes to camp this summer.

As we prepare for staff training and the first weeks of camp in June, we will take a brief break from First Light the week of May 28-June 1. We will resume our regular schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday email devotionals, with an added bonus of content from the summer, on Monday, June 4.

I hope you will join us in praying for each camp week this summer. May “Christ First” be the theme of your life this summer as well!

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