Deuteronomy 12:30  “Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.”

The greatest defeats come on the heels of the greatest victories. In 1944, as American forces wrapped up World War II, General George Patton died, not in a tank, but in a Cadillac. A man who faced great danger on a battlefield died, ironically, in what seemed like a safe place.

Just when the children of Israel would be tempted to turn away, the Lord reminds them to “take heed.” They were to look after their own selves after their enemies were “destroyed from before thee.” They would be tempted to follow the wrong way-“How did these nations serve their gods?” Israel would be in grave danger precisely because of their great victories. The “look-at-me” attitude would try to creep in, and the temptation would be to attribute their success to their own abilities, instead of the hand of the invisible God.

General George Patton was a warrior; he was not naturally likeable. I can admire his courage and appreciate his accomplishments in bringing the tank to the U.S. troops in World War I and in battles during his distinguished military career. But there are not gentle stories about Patton-he was a hard man. The man nicknamed “Old Blood and Guts” died after an accident involving two American vehicles, one in which he was a passenger. Something as simple as buckling a seat belt might have saved his life. (Incidentally, Cadillac would not fit their cars with seatbelts until years later.) A small matter indeed, but on the heels of one of the greatest victories in United States history came great defeat.

The greatest foe for the children of Israel would be themselves. Success would bring a temptation to serve Jehovah God like the Canaanites served their false gods. God’s warning was to “take heed to thyself.”

We need to watch and guard our lives as well. Oftentimes our greatest enemy is our own flesh. Victory in our Christian lives can cause our hearts to think we did something great. The same “look at me” attitude can creep into our lives if we do not “take heed.” Chances are, you probably are serving the God-not some false god-but He is concerned with how we serve him. He reminds us in Deuteronomy 12: “Take heed to thyself. . . .”

Prayer Requests:

1. Revival services tonight in Boswell, PA and Turner, ME

2. Bill Rice Ranch Deaf Rally in West Bend, WI this weekend (4/18)

3. Praise–We are thankful for God’s protection of the Ranch facilities and staff during recent storms. The Ranch was unharmed by the tornadoes that hit Murfreesboro. Please continue to pray for the people near us who were affected by the storms.

For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch visit our website:
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