Psalm 68:19 “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.”

Like most of the psalms, Psalm 68 is a prayer to God. Specifically, this prayer is a prayer of blessing and praise to our Lord. Though this verse is not long, let us look closely at several important truths that it teaches:

First of all, we see the frequency of God’s blessings to us: daily. Many times we Christians focus our thanksgiving to God upon certain days of the year such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter. But shouldn’t our thanks go up just as frequently as His benefits come down upon us? Daily we are loaded with blessings from God! Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

There is nothing like a freshly prepared breakfast in the morning! But let that breakfast sit around for even a few hours, and it loses its appeal. I’m so glad that the “compassions” of the LORD are fresh every day! We don’t have to think very long to think of blessings the Lord has given to us today. With that being said, our thanksgiving to Him should also be frequent and fresh. We should not just thank Him for blessings from a few months ago, but let us thank Him for His goodness to us right now.

Secondly, we see the extent of God’s blessings: loadeth. This word should remind us of the generosity of our Lord. He doesn’t just give us some of what we need but don’t deserve-He gives us more than we need. He knows just what we will need for each day, and His blessings are more than sufficient to supply those needs!

Thirdly, we see that God’s blessings are personal: “who daily loadeth us with benefits.” The word us is a personal pronoun. Don’t become focused upon what God is doing for other people and wish He would do the same for you-He is blessing you also in so many ways if you would just take the time to notice them! He knows what you specifically need and is personally meeting those needs every day.

It is amazing how differently two people can respond to the same provision by the Lord. One man with fifty dollars from the Lord can take it for granted and wish he had more; while the other man rejoices over the fifty dollars and lets others know of God’s provision! Let us be people who are mindful of what God does for us every day.

And lastly, let us look at the “benefits” themselves. Many of God’s benefits are not so much what He puts on us as what He takes off of us. He is called the “God of our salvation” at the end of this verse. Salvation alone is enough reason to praise God every chance that we can! Salvation lifted the guilt of our sin from us and brought to us peace and fellowship with God.

Bless the Lord today-bless Him for the benefits He loads upon you and for the burdens He lifts from your shoulders. Don’t save this praise for special occasions. He deserves this praise every day!

Prayer Requests:
1. BRR Men’s Retreat continuing today and tomorrow
2. BRR Sign Language School in Tipp City, OH continuing through Sunday(10/4)
3. Ranch evangelists traveling to services this weekend in Reynoldsburg, OH; Menomonee Falls, WI; and Three Springs, PA

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