Hebrews 1:3 “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:”

During the Christmas season, it is good to be reminded of who Jesus Christ is and why He came. Hebrews 1 is one of my favorite passages because it reminds us that Christ is greater than the prophets that foretold His birth and the angels that announced His birth. These are epic verses!

One of the Christmas decorations we have at home is a manger scene on top of our piano. That’s not unusual; what is unusual is that our manger scene doesn’t include one single shepherd! You’ll find Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus, three wise men, one camel, and even one donkey, but you’ll not find a shepherd! I asked my wife if we got a bad deal at the store, but I guess the maker forgot the shepherds!

It is conceivable that you might miss a shepherd within the Christmas story, but you cannot afford to miss the Christ! The Christmas story is all about the Christ-child. So who is Jesus Christ, and why did He come? Hebrews 1:2-3 reveals these truths:

He is God’s Son.
He is “heir of all things.”
He is Creator.
He is Sustainer.
He is “the brightness of his glory”-Christ does not merely reflect God’s glory; He is God’s glory.
He is “the express image of his person”-He is the personification of all that God is. He is the boundless God in a body!
He is Savior-He exclusively and by Himself “purged our sins.”

What angel in heaven could claim those things? What prophet could claim those things? Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son! He always has been, He always will be, and He is always the same!

I can sort of comprehend those truths about Jesus Christ; but when you package those truths in a child’s body, it is unfathomable! The Lord Jesus, God’s Son, took on human flesh so many years ago, and He did it to be our Savior! He is better than the prophets who pointed to His coming, and He is better than the angels who proclaimed His arrival. Don’t lose sight of the Christ in Christmas!

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