Colossians 1:18b “That in all things he might have the preeminence.”

Who is Jesus Christ, and why did He come? Hebrews 1 reminds us that there is no one like God’s Son. He is utterly and totally unique. Jesus Christ is literally God in a body! Furthermore, Colossians 1 reveals that Christ is preeminent. That is, He is before all things and above all things. He is above and before all creation, all kingdoms, and all things.

King Herod knew full well that there was not room in his kingdom for two kings. He set out to exterminate the Messiah at birth, trying like Lucifer to set himself above the Preeminent One. Christ has first place over everything and everyone; and when you forget that truth or try to minimize His preeminence by maximizing your own, you stand in opposition to the very God of the Universe.

Jesus Christ should have the preeminence in your life, at Christmas and at every other moment. He is preeminent over His creation and the kingdoms of men. Anything less is not fitting to the One in Whom “all fulness dwell[s].”

The words of Colossians 1:18 are inscribed on Bill Rice’s grave here at the Ranch. “That in all things he might have the preeminence.” That was his life’s verse, and that is a wonderful theme for my life and yours today. The Christ of Christmas is preeminent, and that includes all creation, all kingdoms, and all aspects of your life today. Are you giving Him His rightful place?

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