John 16:7 “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”

The Comforter Has Come

We live in a day of unprecedented comfort. Not that far back, air conditioning was a luxury, an icebox was literally a box for ice to keep food refrigerated, and “wall-to-wall” carpet was a high-end feature. Hasn’t the benchmark for our comfort changed?

Imagine if our expectations were half as high for God’s work as they are for our own comfort. Our expectations today are not about God’s working in and through us; they are usually about our comfort. Thus, we tend to avoid anything that could compromise our comfort. Witnessing to the lost is not always comfortable, but God’s work needs to be done. We can get so focused on our comfort that we lose sight of the Comforter!

The truth is, you don’t have to live in comfort, so long as the Comforter lives in you. The Holy Spirit, called “the Comforter” here in John 16, has been given to do what you cannot do. If what you do today is determined by what will be easy, nice, and comfortable, you will not see what needs to be accomplished today.

The One who indwells every believer has an agenda to accomplish God’s work. Are you helping the Comforter do His work, or are you more concerned about your own comfort? When the Lord Jesus left this earth, He sent the Comforter. This Comforter will convict of sin and “guide you into all truth.” You can’t convince anybody to trust Jesus Christ to save them. When you do what you should, God will do what only He can!

You don’t have to live in comfort today if the Comforter lives in you. Many people are living in comfort but are powerless. May God help us to accomplish what the Comforter wants to do!

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