I Corinthians 9:12 “If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.”

What did you want to be when you grew up? You probably wanted to be something fun! When you grew a little older and a little wiser, you probably scrapped the idea of fun for the idea of wealthy! Here on the Ranch at the Bill Rice Christian Academy graduation, almost all of the kindergarten graduates wanted to be cowboys and firemen. I guess in thirty years, we will have repopulated the cowboy and fireman communities!

Wanting to be a cowboy or a fireman when you grew up was fine in kindergarten, but what are you now? What motivates you now? Sometimes (even in ministry) we can view God’s calling on our lives through the lens of what we will gain. I’ve even heard someone say that he would love to be a preacher so he wouldn’t have to work! The truth is, serving God does not gain us; it costs us. Is there gain in serving Christ? Of course there is, but I Corinthians 9:12 reminds us that ministry is not about using power; ministry is about being used by the power of God.

Paul said, “We . . . suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.” Notice the words “all things.” How much of “all things” would you suffer for the Gospel? Honestly, I can put up with many things if I get something that I want. Take skiing, for instance. I am willing to “suffer” frost-bitten toes, long lines, physical exertion, and pain the day after in order to enjoy shredding fresh powder on the side of some mountain! There is nothing like it, and I put up with all those things every time! You may not love skiing, but you love something. Think of all the things you willingly “suffer” to enjoy it.

There is a difference between putting up with inconveniences for temporary enjoyment and suffering loss for what is eternal. Which one is most important? We all will give up various things for ourselves, but what will we suffer for the furtherance of the Gospel? Do you see your ministry as a way to leverage power, or do you see it as a way for God to use His power through you to serve others? Remember that the point is the Gospel! May God help us to have the same attitude as Paul: “We . . . suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.”

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Clinton, TN and Howard, PA
2. Recruiting of college summer staff today
3. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Fort Collins, CO; Magna,UT; and Greer, SC

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