Distance is rarely measured in miles. Think about it; are you closer to your mother in Seattle or to your new neighbor in the brick house? People would drive across the country to see a loved one when they wouldn’t cross the driveway to visit the guy next door. Proximity is more a matter of what you believe and who you love than it is a matter of where you live.

People travel thousands of miles and spend thousands of dollars for the things that matter to them the most. People devoted to Apple computers or vintage Mustangs feel a camaraderie that is not defined geographically. This is also the reason why the Ranch is blessed to host churches and friends from Canada to the Caribbean in the summer. It is wise to put your efforts where your heart is.

“Proximity” is also a reason to be open to new friends who embrace the same timeless truths that you do. I want my convictions to lead me to new friends, and I believe that they will bring new friends our way, as well.

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