Genesis 39:3 “And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand.”

What if I asked you to think of someone who had a polarizing effect on everyone around him? Would you think of Joseph in the Old Testament? Probably not! We do not normally think of Joseph in a negative way, but few characters in the Bible are more characterized by love/hate than Joseph. In other words, there was no in-between with Joseph. He was immensely loved by some and extremely hated by others. He was probably more deeply hated and deeply loved than most people!

Joseph was loved and hated as the dream that God gave him came to fruition. His father loved him; his brothers hated him. Potiphar loved and promoted him; Potiphar’s wife despised his virtue. He was either in a palace or in a pit! But the favor of God that Joseph possessed was far better than any favor of man that he could have gained by changing his principles or compromising his convictions.

Like Joseph, you must decide whose favor is most important. Through every circumstance in Joseph’s life, the one constant was the favor of God. Never forget that the favor of people is not nearly as important as the favor of God. You cannot afford to sell God’s favor to buy man’s favor!

Yes, the favor or disfavor of people has some importance in our lives. If you are not careful, though, you will sell God’s favor for a person’s favor, and that is not wise. A person’s favor is far less important than God’s favor. If you will pursue and cherish the favor of God, He can give you the favor with people that you need. Joseph lived in light of God’s favor; will you?

Prayer Requests:
– Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Wilton, NY; Palm Bay, FL; Deltona, FL; Matlatcha, FL; and Bradenton, FL

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