I Timothy 1:11-12 “According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.”

If you could improve yourself in any way, what ability or skill would you choose? Would you pick improving your knowledge and use of computers, your ability to communicate to others, your physical ability to accomplish a task? I suppose we could all use a little improving! Today we are surrounded with books, classes, and resources to help us improve ourselves, but what does God consider important? We don’t have to wonder; He tells us in I Timothy chapter 1!

Our culture is enamored with abilities that you can see and that get attention. There is nothing wrong with having an obvious ability, but what is the most important ability to God? Paul said that God had “committed [the glorious gospel] to my trust.” Not only that, God had “counted [him] faithful, putting [him] into the ministry.” No matter your abilities, the question is not, “Can I trust God?” The question is, “Can God trust me?”

The greatest ability is dependability, as Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., used to famously say. Can you be depended upon? Can you be counted as faithful? Can God commit things to your stewardship? The question is less about ability and more about dependability. God will enable you when you are faithful to Him.

No matter what weakness you sense in your life, you can always be faithful. All things being equal, your church doesn’t need more skill; your church needs faithful people. Your family doesn’t need “super” parents; your family needs parents who will faithfully follow God’s plan from the Bible. No matter what you do today, the greatest ability you have is dependability!

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