Psalm 130:6 “My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.”

Have you ever watched for the morning? Morning either comes much sooner than you want or comes much later than you want. Have you ever had a long night when you could not wait until daylight broke? I remember one such night when I flew back from the Philippines. Our plane left in the night and headed east, and we literally chased the darkness. I think that was the longest night I’ve ever experienced because it was so drawn out.

You may have experienced the longest night with a sick child, tragic circumstances, or a trans-continental flight, but Psalm 130 reminds us of our greater need to wait on the Lord. When you watch for the morning, you are watching with expectation. The sun is always shining somewhere; you are anticipating it because it’s not shining on you right now!

Just like the sun shines in the day and darkness envelopes the night, so also is our walk with the Lord. I John reminds us that there is fellowship with the Lord when we “walk in the light, as he is in the light.” Apart from fellowship with God, there is emptiness and darkness.

God is a holy God who knows everything. Yet He forgives, gives hope, and deserves our waiting and watching. The psalmist said, “But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.” Thank God for His forgiveness and hope! On a related note, doesn’t it make sense that if God would forgive us, we could forgive our neighbor who needs our forgiveness? I forgive on the same basis as God forgives me! “. . . even as God, for Christ’s sake, hath forgiven you.”

Don’t forget to wait on the Lord today, even in your longest night. Make Him your expectation and object of your watching. He is holy and forgiving, and may we bear the same marks in our lives today.

Prayer Requests:
– BRR New York City Outreach next week (January 9-13)

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