Joshua 1:9  “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

Joshua chapter one is a story of transition. Times of transition are surrounded by uncertainty, excitement, and some amount of fear. In the first nine verses, God repeatedly tells Joshua to “not fear” because, as He was with Moses, so would He be with Joshua. Moses was dead, and Joshua was to lead the children of Israel over Jordan and into the Promised Land. But the basis for Joshua’s courage was not being in the majority; his courage was based on knowing he was on God’s side. God promises, “Be not afraid . . . for the LORD thy God is with thee. . . .”

No one likes to be in the minority, but the most important thing is knowing you are on God’s side. Let me illustrate: is a child walking the streets of downtown New York City safe? If you picture a lonely child roaming the streets at night, you would say, “No!” On the other hand, what if the child was marching down Broadway with hundreds of Marine soldiers during a parade? Is he safe? Yes sir! What if the child has a ferocious Rottweiler dog on a leash as he walks down the sidewalk? Would he be safe? Sure! The difference is who is with the child!

Never forget that God is the One in control. “Fear not” does not come because you are in the majority of public opinion or because you are tougher, stronger, fearless, etc. “Fear not” comes because God is the majority; and if you are with Him, you are safe!

Always make your decisions based on God being the majority, even when that means you are the minority. In the next chapter, Joshua sent spies into the land, and they are aided by a lady named Rahab. The story that follows is very interesting-Rahab hides the spies and then lets them down from her window. Do you remember who was afraid? Was it the spies or Rahab? It was Rahab! She says in verse 9, “I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.” Her plea was, “When you conquer, save my family.” She was not scared of the spies from Israel-she was afraid of “the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.” (verse 11) Rahab knew that her country was on the losing side, and the difference was God.

Courage does not come from what you see; couragecomes from God being the One who makes a majority. God is the majority, and if you with Him, you are safe. My grandfather, Bill Rice II, used to say, “Just once, I wish I could vote in the majority on something.” That may be true today-public opinion, from your own home to our country’s capital, may be against you. You need not fear if you are on God’s side. You and God make a majority.

Prayer Requests:

1. Revival services tonight in Markleton, PAManistique, MI; and Pocatello, ID

2. West Branch Ladies on the Move Conference in Flagstaff, AZ (Sat., 4/25)

For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch visit our website:

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