Psalm 16:8  “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”

The More Things Change…

If you asked the average person, “Are you happy?” what answer would you expect?  Regardless of the answer, most people would base their answer on what they have, where they are, or what they are doing.  The truth is, all of those things have a limit.  Circumstances change all the time.  Our feelings change.  Our thoughts change.  But Psalm 16 reminds us that God is immovable!

The more our world changes, the more we need the stability that only comes through God.  The psalmist reminds us that living in God’s presence is a decision you must make.  “I have set the LORD always before me . . . in thy presence is fullness of joy . . . .”

Whatever you are “chasing” today, remember that peace is not found in what you have, where you are, or what happens to you.  Even if you attained everything you wanted and life was smooth sailing, yet the Lord was distant, you would not find the comfort you are seeking.  Peace and joy are found in God’s presence.

It is not wrong to be fulfilled and satisfied; it is folly to attain those things apart from a Person.  Don’t look to a place or a possession when what you need is found in a Person!

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