Psalm 132:1 LORD, remember David, and all his afflictions.

The More You Think on God

I can forget the simplest of things. I will look for my pen when it is behind my ear. I will look for my glasses for three minutes before I realize I am wearing them. I have basically delegated to my wife. She will say, “Wil, did you remember…?” She is asking because she knows I don’t, and she is asking because she does. She helps me with that.

We all need help remembering, but sometimes we attribute our amnesia to God. We say, “God, remember,” when we are the ones who forget. We say, “God, please be strong,” when we are the ones who are weak. We say, “God, please be gracious,” when we are the ones who are often graceless.

Psalm 132 is along those lines. The psalmist says, “LORD, remember David, and all his afflictions.” That is not a bad way to pray, but it begs a question. Did David ever forget? The answer is, “Yes,” and sometimes he forgot God in catastrophic ways. Did Solomon, who may have penned this psalm, ever forget? In light of this specific psalm, Solomon did forget in ways that were sometimes ironic.

Does God ever forget? The answer is “No.” When you ask God to remember, essentially you are asking God to be God. As long as we care if God remembers us, we will not forget Him. It is when we are self-absorbed that we wonder if God remembers us.

The more you think on God, the more you will rest assured that He remembers you. God remembers His people. “Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions.” The following verses talk about David’s service to God and God’s promise to him. God remembers His people, sees their lives, and cares about their afflictions.

God keeps His word. Verse 11 says, “The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.” Then, in verse 12 he gives them a condition, “If thy children will keep my covenant…” But God remembers His people.

God is always at work. Verse 13 says, “For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.” In the verses that wrap up the psalm you see God saying, “I will…I have…I will…I will…I make…I have….I will.” God is at work. He has been and He will be.

We don’t always know what God is doing, but make no mistake, God remembers His people. God keeps His word, and God is always at work. The more you think on God, the more you will rest assured that He remembers you.

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