Job 26:4 “To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee?”

The Power of Influence

If you want to know a family’s innermost secrets, just offer to babysit the kids! It is interesting to realize the influences that we pick up, and there is no better way to see those influences than through our kids. We are always speaking something to someone from somebody else. Influence is important!

We have a tendency to explain away our responses to people and situations by our region of the country, our family heritage, or life’s circumstance. When you are “squeezed” by life, the real you is going to come out! The real you is made up of the influences you’ve allowed in your life.

It ought to be that when you are squeezed, the Lord comes out. I have often prayed that in the summer. I want to be so filled with Him that when the pressure is greatest, the Lord Jesus is revealed. The question of Job is a good one: “Whose spirit came from thee?” Whose influence will be revealed in you today?

Don’t be defined by the worst of your region, your family, and your circumstances. Be a vessel for use by a God Who supersedes all of that! God is greater than the worst secrets and habits of any family. Just don’t ask to babysit my kids anytime soon!

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