Colossians 1:11 “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;”

What kind of power impresses you? For some, it may be the power of the truck you drive. For others, it may be the power someone has exercised in the political arena. The truth is, there is more than one kind of power. Colossians 1 reminds us of a kind of power that we can often overlook.

What would you change if you had all “all might”? I can tell you that I have a few things on my list that I would change if I had the power! Sometimes God gives us the power to be changed instead of the power to change. That kind of power is significant!

Colossians 1:11 reminds us that the power of God gives us the power to have patience. If I had my choice of the power to change something or the power of patience, I would not choose patience! However, our wise and perfect Heavenly Father wants to give the power of patience.

Sometimes, the most important power you can have at your job, in your classroom, or in your ministry is the power of patience. The word longsuffering paints quite a picture, doesn’t it? It is one thing to be patient with someone; it is another thing to suffer long with that person! Don’t forget that sometimes the people who need the most help require the most patience. Patience doesn’t come naturally for any of us; remember that “all might” comes from Almighty God!

Today, we need “all might,” not just to change things, but also to patiently endure things as God sees fit. Only God has the kind of power that can patiently endure and can do so with joy. None of us have that kind of power, but I am thankful we have a Father who has “all might.”

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Kings Mills, OH; Centralia, IL; Pittsburg, TX; and Owensboro, KY (2)
2. BRR Deaf Rally in Benson, NC this weekend (11.20)

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