Hebrews 10:24 “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.”

The Reason for Church

If your immediate family is going to gather together during the day, where is the most likely place? Inside your house. If God’s family in this part of the world is going to gather together, where is the most likely place? Inside a church building. So why do we go to church?

“Well,” you say, “church helps me grow and become a better Christian.” There are a number of motivations for going to church, most of which deal with us personally. Growing in the Lord, learning about the Bible, and obedience to God’s Word are all valid answers, but did you notice what the Bible gives as our consideration for going to church? “Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.”

Notice what the Bible says! “Consider one another . . .” It does not say to consider your duty, your growth, or your learning. The Bible says we are to consider others! Going to church is not all about you!

If every person at your church would consider other people, everyone would benefit wouldn’t they? That is the wonderful truth about giving. When you receive, one person benefits. When you give, two people benefit. When you give, the Bible says, “It shall be given unto you.” So the giver receives, the receiver receives, and the Lord is pleased. When it comes to your church, do you leave the people at your church better or worse?

God does say that we are to meet together, and the reason we are to meet is “to consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.” People should leave church refreshed because you were there. That’s an amazing thought!

The question is not, what will you miss if you don’t go to church? The question is, what will other people miss if you don’t go to church? If they won’t miss anything, that is a problem! You may never know how much an encouraging word from you may mean to someone at church. When you go to church prepared to give, you will receive. The main consideration for church is not you; it is “one another”!

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