II Kings 24:14 “And he carried away all Jerusalem, and all the princes, and all the mighty men of valour, even ten thousand captives, and all the craftsmen and smiths: none remained, save the poorest sort of the people of the land.”

The Status Quo

We have witnessed the destruction of a nation. We have front row seats to a nation that rejects God, sheds innocent blood, and follows idolatry. It may surprise you that I am not talking about the United States of America. I am talking about God’s people, Judah.

Judah wasn’t destroyed by God; Judah destroyed herself. The Bible records Babylon’s conquest and destruction in II Kings 24-25. Interestingly enough, tyrants have used the same methods from the very beginning! If you were poor, dumb, or had no fight in you, you were left behind. The skilled, smart, and strong were taken captive. The status quo was good enough for the enemy when it posed no threat.

We can learn that if you are willing to fight for what’s right, you can certainly expect a fight. Dads, if you are willing to put up a fight for what you believe, you can expect one. Moms, if you are willing to put up a fight for what you believe, you can expect one. Teenager, if you are willing to put up a fight for what you believe, you can expect one.

If you want to live the “easy” Christian life, the Devil will be your best ally. If a teenager wants to live for popularity and influence, the Devil is happy to oblige. If a dad wants to gain the world, the Devil will be happy to help that dad lose his own soul. As Evangelist Jim Cook says, “The Devil will give you what you want, but it will cost you what you have!”

You do not have to seek out trouble or confrontation; you will have plenty just by standing for what is right. If you are not a threat to the Devil, he does not have to be concerned with you. However, standing for truth and right will certainly bring a flood of attacks and opposition. Staying in line with truth is never an accident; it is an intentional, costly decision. By God’s grace, determine that you are going to challenge the status quo!

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