Joshua 21:45  “There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass.”

There are three kinds of people in the world: promise makers, promise breakers,and promise takers. Which title best describes you?  Are you a promise maker?  It’s not wise to make many promises!  The more promises you make, the harder you make it on yourself.  Are you a promise taker?  A promise taker relies on the promises God has given.  Are you a promise breaker, or do you keep your word when you make a promise?


The ultimate promise Maker is God Himself.  He never makes promise that He doesn’t remember, have the courage or foresight to follow through, or have the power to enforce.  God is a promise Maker!


Has there ever been a time when you’ve kept your word, but it didn’t appear that way to someone else?  Keep in mind that the more you keep your word, the better your track record and the more slack people will cut you.  On the other hand, no matter how great you are, there are always going to be people who dislike you and do not think the best of your intentions.  I wish this were not so, but I know it to be true.  The best way to respond to folks like that is to keep your promises.  Don’t be a promise breaker!


To be a promise taker, you must know what God has promised and then act on what He has promised.  Joshua 23 is full of promises that God had made to the children of Israel.  In the midst of Joshua’s challenge to the people of Israel about conquering Canaan, you read phrases like “as the LORD your God hath promised you” several times throughout the chapter.  God’s promises are meant to be acted upon.  Faith itself is not what is valuable; Who you place that faith in gives the faith value!


Because God is a promise Maker and always keeps His word, strive to be a promise taker today.  Take comfort in the fact that God is already in the future.  He owns the future; it is in His hands!  Your actions today should be based on what God will do. Are you a promise maker, a promise breaker, or a promise taker?


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