Ezra 6:14b “And they builded, and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.”

To Quit or Not to Quit?

Is quitting bad?

Are losers always quitters, and quitters always losers?

Well, I suppose it depends about what you are speaking. For instance, is it not good to quit a bad habit? Is it not good to quit a complaining spirit? Of course it is! Quitting is not necessarily a bad thing to do. Quitters are not necessarily losers. The only way to succeed is to quit things that are bad and start things that are good.

On the other hand, it is wrong to quit something that God has given you to do. It is wrong to quit simply because circumstances become difficult. Anybody can start something; very few are willing to finish something. We are not fully obedient to God until we fully finish what He has given us to do.

The Jews who had returned from Babylon to rebuild the temple were discouraged. They were tired. They had encountered great opposition. But in Ezra chapter 6, they finished! The Bible says, “And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar. . . .” What a beautiful statement!

Quitting is a result of our focus on opposition; finishing is a result of our faith in God. Are you ever tempted to quit? If you are doing what God wants you to do, trust the God Who wants you to do it and don’t quit!

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