II Chronicles 23:13b “Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.”

This story we find in II Chronicles 22-23 is one of intrigue and betrayal. The cries of treason come on the heels of the reigns of Jehosophat (the good king who “walked in the first ways” but consulted with wicked Ahab) and Jehoram (the selfish king who “departed without being desired”). The next king in succession was Ahaziah. You can read about his capture and death in II Chronicles 22. It was his mother, the Queen Mother-Athaliah-who ruled after him. In II Chronicles 22:10, she eliminated any and all resistance or threats by killing off all the royal seed.

Confused yet? Well, this is where the story gets more intriguing. The king’s daughter hides Joash, Ahaziah’s son, to spare his life. While the Queen Mother rules, the rightful heir is in hiding. II Chronicles 23:8-11, the priest anoints Joash as king. Verse 11 says, “Then they brought out the king’s son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the king.” Athaliah heard the noise and saw the fanfare, and her reaction was to rend her clothes and cry, “Treason. Treason.”

Nobody likes a traitor. Nobody trusts a traitor. It does not matter is you are good or bad; Democrat or Republican; a Cowboys fan or a Redskins fan; the truth is, a traitor is always scorned and never trusted. In the Bible account this morning, was treason committed? Yes, it was. Was Joash the traitor? No–the person crying, “Treason!” was the guilty one!

Was Athaliah (the Queen Mother) loyal? Yes she was, if you mean loyal to herself. Was she loyal to David? That is, the principles and heritage of the kingdom which he set? No, she was not! Today, you are loyal, if nothing more than loyal to yourself. The person who claims, “I’m not loyal to anyone . . . I do my own thing,” has just squealed on himself. He is loyal–to himself!

The bottom line is found in verse 16: “And Jehoiada made a covenant between him, and between all the people, and between the king, that they should be the LORD’s people.” These were God’s people, and Jehoiada, the priest, was wise enough to remember that fact. The day you forget that is the day you start giving away loyalty carelessly. We are not Israel, but we are God’s people.

Our loyalty is either to God or against God, and that should inform every other loyalty we have. It does take wisdom sometimes to know if our loyalties are right, but may God help us to make right decisions about loyalty today.

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Safety for groups driving home from camp tonight and tomorrow
3. Churches traveling to the Ranch from Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinios, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and California

Camp Quotes:
“Incomplete obedience is not obedience.”
-Evangelist Chris Miller

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