Troy Carlson


Troy Carlson is the director of the West Branch of the Bill Rice Ranch in Williams, Arizona. God has used more than two decades of ministry with West Branch to give the Carlsons a love for the West —both its people and its churches. He continues his work as an evangelist through local church meetings and West Branch on the Move. He and his wife Sara have two children, Abby and Nathan, which are now out of college and serving the Lord in ministries. The Carlsons’ home base is on the West Branch property in Williams, Arizona. Evangelist Troy Carlson also loves preaching to young people and has been a regular Youth Camp preacher for many summers.
2025 Preaching Schedule


26 Cumberland Hills Baptist Church Murfreesboro, TN
27-31 Bill Rice Bible College Murfreesboro, TN
16 PM Faith Baptist Church Cottonwood, AZ
23 Liberty Baptist Church Prescott, AZ
6-9 Mountainview Baptist Church Custer, SD
13-18 Senior Trip Retreat 1 West Branch
20 Evangelical Baptist Church
Phoenix, AZ
25-26 Men on the Move Conference West Branch
April 28 -May 3 Senior Trip Retreat 2 West Branch
Senior Trip Retreat 3 West Branch
May 29 – June 27
Summer Camps West Branch
29 Northland Baptist Church Flagstaff, AZ
7-9 Private Men’s Retreat West Branch
10 Cornerstone Baptist Church
Phoenix, AZ
7 Maranatha Baptist Church Peoria, AZ
12-13 Church Family Retreat West Branch
22-24 BRR Advisory Board Retreat West Branch
25-27 Deaf Camp West Branch
3-4 Men & Boy’s Adventure West Branch
8 Wolf Mountain Youth Rally Grass Valley, CA
9 Highway Bible Church Placerville, CA

Contact Me:


627 Bill Rice Ranch Road
Murfreesboro, TN 37128

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