II Timothy 1:16 The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain.

True Friendship

The name Onesiphorus is probably not a real familiar one to you. However, it is a name that is found in connection with the Apostle Paul in II Timothy. When Paul was in prison, Oniesphorus was a friend to him. The Bible says he refreshed Paul. What that exactly means, I don’t know. When I think of refreshing, I think of a cool drink, a cool breeze, a warm meal, or a time to relax. It may have been just a kind word or some small token.

Whatever it was, it cost something for Onesiphorus. It probably cost a little bit of time or some money. Whatever it cost, it at least cost effort. In other words, he was giving. He wasn’t Paul’s friend because it was cool to do so. He was Paul’s friend because he had something to give Paul. He gave of his resources and probably gave of his reputation.

Here are a few things that come to mind. First, you discover who your friends are when you have nothing to give. It is easy to be someone’s friend when you’re riding high and people recognize your ability to give to them, but you discover who your friends really are when you have nothing to give.

Secondly, you are being a friend when there is nothing to receive from them but friendship. You are not demanding they give something, you are giving to them. That’s what friendship is.

Thirdly, God knows. God knows when I have nothing to give and someone befriends me. God will bless them. And God knows when I am giving to others with no expectation of receiving. I’m not saying that friendship should ever be a one-way street. I am saying that you and I can only take care of ourselves. We can make sure that we are givers.

Onesiphorus was a friend to Paul when it only cost him. God knew that, remembered that, and blessed Onesiphorus for that. 

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