Psalm 123:1 “Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.”

You can tell a lot by who gets the eyes in any given situation. For instance, if you are in a group of people, many times one person will command the attention of the whole group when he speaks. Everyone in the group defers to the person speaking; and in a sense, everyone suspends what they are doing or saying to hear what one person has to say. Do you know what I am talking about?

I’ve found that my dog, Breck, regardless of what else is going on or who else is speaking, will listen to my voice. Through much training, Breck knows that when I speak, she had better give me her eyes! I think about my dog when I read Psalm 123. The psalmist says, “Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto their masters . . . so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us.” A servant looks to his master’s hand for pretty much everything! Do you look to the Lord?

We should look to God in dependence for our needs and His direction in our lives. As Psalm 123 says, your eyes should “wait upon the Lord.” My dog has eyes that wait on me. Ask any cowboy about the eyes of his cowpony, and he will tell you a useful horse has eyes that wait on the guy in the saddle.

Today, if life seems out of focus, it may be that you are looking to the wrong person. When you have a need, to whom do you look? Maybe you are looking too low! Look up to your Master. Strive to have “waiting eyes” that look to the Lord in every aspect and moment of your day.

Prayer Requests:
– BRR New York City Outreach next week (January 9-13)

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