Psalm 81:7 “Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah.”

I think it’s true that all of us need a person who we can call and know they will answer our call. It may sound insignificant, but nothing is more valuable in time of need than someone who will answer when you call!


God Almighty is speaking in Psalm 81, and He says, “Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee. . . .” I love the fact that when we call, God answers! When do we call? I wish it were different, but we call when we are in trouble. The truth is, we want deliverance; God wants our attention.


Our problem is not our problem; our problem is not calling out to God about our problem. Look up when you are in trouble! As this verse points out, sometimes God answers us by proving us. He may deliver or He may test, but both are in response to your calling. Sometimes God tests you by withholding an answer; sometimes God tests us by giving an answer. Whether He delivers or tests you, He always does what is right and what is best. Thank God that He answers!


May we respond correctly when we find ourselves in trouble. Remember to look to God and call on Him. Whether He answers by delivering or by testing, know that He graciously and mercifully answers when we call!



Prayer Requests:

1. Services tonight in Starke, FL

2. BRR Conference on Marriage & the Home this weekend (Dec. 1-3)

3. A special word from Brother Rice…


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