II Chronicles 15:7 “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.”

Have you ever gotten sick . . . on vacation? That can be miserable! But as bad as that is, being sick is usually not a problem-it is an inconvenience. Why? Because you are not working; you are vacationing. Or if a man is a lazy bum who sits on the couch and eats junk food all day, no one will miss him if he is sick! Being weak is only a problem to those who work.

We are reminded in this passage that seeking God takes work. King Asa relied on God and defeated a million-man army, but he was encouraged by Azariah to “be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.” Why would Asa (and you and I) be weak?

Time could be a factor in making us weak. Verse 3 says, “Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.” Time can make something weary. It does not necessarily have to be big, but repetition can make you weak. In other words, something small may be irritating on the first day; it becomes weary on the tenth day.

Another reason we may be weak is trouble. There is one thing about trouble-everyone has it. Verses 4-6 describe the kingdom during Asa’s reign: trouble, no peace, great vexations, destroyed, vex, adversity.

You may be weak this morning, perhaps became of time, or maybe because of trouble. But the Bible says, “Let not your hands be weak.” Next time, we will see why we should be strong.

Prayer Requests:

1. Protection and provision for staff

2. Salvation of unsaved teen, junior, and Deaf campers

Camp Quotes:

“At  least four opinions exist of you: the world’s opinion, your loved ones’ opinion, your opinion . . . and God’s opinion.” (Jeremiah 23:24)

Evangelist Jim Cook

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