Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Weary in Well Doing

Have you ever gotten a belated birthday present? You know, of all the times I’ve received a gift for my birthday, I have never once turned down the gift! Have you ever grown tired of people saying, “Thank you”? Do you ever feel frustrated on pay day because you got a paycheck last week?

Isn’t it amazing how we never tire of receiving something, whether great or small? We never grow weary of a surprise gift, a grateful “thank you,” or the wages we have earned. But have you ever been weary? If you are honest with yourself, you probably were when you were giving!

When you see to it that you give, God will see to it that you receive. That is how it works. You will reap “in due season” like a farmer reaps a crop at harvest. You don’t get corn the day after you plant, but if you plant corn, you will reap corn. The key is not fainting or growing weary!

You are probably like me in that you are never weary of receiving. I love “getting,” but I can grow weary mighty quickly in giving. God sees the beginning from the end; and you will see it, too, if you will not be weary.

“For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

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