Exodus 25:8 “And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.”

What Are You Building?

What is the most amazing, iconic structure you have ever seen? Eiffel Tower? Taj Mahal? Great Pyramids in Egypt? I must admit, I’ve never seen any of those in person, but they all have something in common. These structures were built by people who had the drive to leave something of significance behind. You don’t build something that lasts thousands of years without an incredible labor, cost, and drive to leave something that outlives you!

Exodus chapter 25 describes in great detail the impressive “building” known as the Tabernacle. This was an amazing structure because God was literally in it! To build something great that pleases God requires willingness. The materials for the Tabernacle all came from “every man that giveth it willingly with his heart.” How willingly are you giving what you have today?

Building something great for God requires generosity. The materials list in verses 3-7 is not a run-of-the-mill list. Gold, silver, brass, scarlet, fine linen, and even rams’ skins dyed red were needed. Talk about pretty expensive stuff! You won’t accomplish something great with nominal effort or mediocre desire.

If you are going to build something great for God that outlives you requires obedience to a pattern. God said, “Let them make me a sanctuary . . . after the pattern of the tabernacle . . . even so shall ye make it.” You can’t do any better than the pattern God gives. When it comes to your home, your business, or your possessions, God has a pattern. You can find His pattern in His Word.

So what are you building of significance that will outlive you? Physical structures are impressive to men, but God is impressed by willingness, generosity, and obedience to His pattern. May God help us to willingly and generously follow the pattern He has given in our homes, our work, and our daily lives.

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