Genesis 22:20 “And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath also born children unto thy brother Nahor.”

What Can You Give God?

Do you know anyone that has the ability to completely destroy a big moment? Kids are great at this! You might have just had a very important discussion with your son, but then you ask the always dangerous question, “Do you have any questions?” The gravity of the moment you just had will go out the window in one interrogative sentence!

I must admit, when you come to Genesis chapter 22, you hit a pinnacle in Bible history that echoes off the mountain tops. Abraham was moments away from sacrificing his son, Isaac, on the altar when God provided a substitute sacrifice. Talk about a monumental moment in history!

Then you read verse 20. It almost seems like all the wind is let out of the sail. “And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath also born children unto thy brother Nahor.” Do you read that and say, “Huh?” I mean, we just read about Abraham and Isaac, the altar, the ram caught in the brush; and now we read about Nahor’s children and grandchildren?!

Notice verse 23: “And Bethuel begat Rebekah….” Now, that is amazing! Even as Abraham was plotting Isaac’s death, God was planning Isaac’s life. God knew this the whole time, regardless if Abraham did or not. God was the One asking for the sacrifice, and He was the One giving the Sacrifice, ultimately with His only begotten Son.

You have nothing to give God but yourself. God doesn’t want your money, your church attendance, and your ministry; He wants you. If He has you, He has everything else. If you forget that God is the Giver and you are the need-er, you will get cranky and frustrated. God doesn’t need you; He wants you.

God didn’t want Abraham’s son; He wanted Abraham. God was planning on giving His own Son instead. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we gain everything. When God asks for something, He is testing our love; when God gives something, He is showing His love. How can we be stingy with anything we have when God has given everything?

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