Job 23:10 “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

Stephen Hawking is a well-known British physicist in our day. He is a brilliant man, but for everything he does know, the one thing he does not know is that there is a God. At the end of the day, the man who has discovered much about the Black Hole has revealed that the greatest black hole in the universe is the one in the unbelieving human heart. Mr. Hawking is starting a series on television to try to answer life’s deepest questions. But how in the world do you answer life’s deepest questions withoutthe Answer? Even a man as brilliant as Stephen Hawking cannot answer the deepest questions of the human heart.


Even when Job could not find God or understand the path He was on, he could say, “But he [God]knoweth the way that I take. . . .” If I had my choice, I would rather that God know about me than I know about Him! The truth is, knowing God is better than knowing why. I would like to know why; but if I knew why but did not know God, I would be sunk! While not knowing why, Job could say,“When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”


While he didn’t know why, Job did know God’s way. He said in verse 11, “My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined.” His knowing God’s way was based on his knowing God’s Word. “Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips. . . .” Job didn’t have the complete Word of God like we do today. He didn’t know how his story was going to end! God’s words were precious to Job; are they precious to you? His Word is complete and is everything you need for life and godliness. You can’t possibly know God’s way when you haven’t read God’s Word!


Job said, “I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.” How important is food to you? Well, you probably either just finished eating or are looking forward to the next meal! Food is important to you and me because we can’t survive without it! Can I make the obvious connection to the Bible? Knowing what God has said is a matter of absolute survival. You cannot always know why God is working in the way He is, but you can always know His way through His Word. Knowing God is better than knowing why!




Prayer Requests:

1. Services tonight in Fairmont, WV and Thomasville, GA

2. BRR Men’s Retreat this weekend (10.28-29)


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